[LV2] Pd LV2 external?

David Robillard d at drobilla.net
Thu Feb 6 17:21:01 PST 2014

On Thu, 2014-02-06 at 09:43 +0100, Albert Graef wrote:
> Does anyone know about an existing LV2 external for Pd? If there's one
> out there, I haven't been able to find it.
> Failing that, how would one go about writing such an external? (I
> already know how to write Pd externals, I'm only interested in the LV2
> side.) I'd need to load an LV2 plugin and invoke it on control and
> MIDI data and blocks of audio samples. I guess that using lilv is the
> right way to do that. Is there a minimal lilv example which I could
> study? Or do I need to look at Jalv? Ingen??

Jalv is a relatively simple example, though it's getting a bit, er,
featureful these days, and quite a bit of it is Jack specific, basically
everything you need to do is in jalv.c which is pretty digestible.

The lilv utilities lv2ls and lv2info might also be useful since they're
very simple and get at plugins, but they don't actually do any
instantiation or running.


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