[LV2] Preset categories

Sven Jaehnichen sjaehn at jahnichen.de
Thu Mar 18 00:00:45 PDT 2021

Hi Alex,

good idea.

Me and others use different ways to ship around. All of them are not 
that nice. A classic way (e. g., in NoizeMaker) is adding a prefix to 
the plugin name. But this way provides only a benefit for small preset 
collections and only if the host alphabetically sorts the presets. 
Another way: I played around by abusing a lv2:parameter to store 
category information in the experimental B.Harvestr but I'm not really 
satisfied with this solution. Of course, it doesn't help at all to find 
a preset via the host preset selection dialogue.

I support your idea but let's also think about what we should (also) put 
in there.


Am 18.03.21 um 03:43 schrieb Alexandros Theodotou:
> Hi,
> It looks like many plugins try to categorize their presets internally
> using various filters (like mood, instrument type etc.) and I thought
> it would be more organized to allow hosts do this by (optionally)
> including more meta information in presets.
> What do you think of adding some extra vocabulary to
> http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets to describe presets other than just a
> bank and a label? For example, pset:category "ambient" or "arp" or
> "pad" for instruments. I found some more examples here:
> https://performodule.com/2013/05/24/how-to-organize-user-plugin-presets-like-a-boss-in-ableton-9-using-the-hidden-architecture/
> Maybe the value of the category should be arbitrary (a string), but
> having a standard thing for "pset:category" or "pset:categories" would
> be nice. This could be applicable to banks too, if the whole bank fits
> a category for example.
> Also, as mentioned by strogon14 on IRC, author and description would
> also be nice to have (to show in a host UI for example when choosing
> presets), but I think properties for those could be reused from
> elsewhere. Still, it would be a good idea to include an example of a
> fully-described preset in the spec to encourage people to use those
> properties.
> Alex
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