[LV2] A question related to X11 based UIs

Hermann Meyer brummer- at web.de
Sat Feb 27 05:48:01 PST 2021

Am 27.02.21 um 14:23 schrieb Iurie Nistor:
> Hi,
> My developed plugin is based on another own develop GUI toolkit that
> uses XLib. In Ardour
> if I am opening two plugins UI and than close then one after another
> the host will crash because|it receives an X Window Error.| It might
> be that I am doing something wrong but it crashes because I am calling
> XCloseDisplay every time the plugin UI is closed. The display, i.e.
> the connection with the X sever is created//with XOpenDisplay(NULL)
> every time the UI is opened. The interesting fact is that it crashes
> only when the second time XCloseDisplay is called. I thought that
> maybe I am closing twice
> the same connection but not. Also, I cannot experience this problem
> with hosts like QTractor (Qt based), zrythm (GTK based), and MusE (Qt
> based). I could dig more into the problem but maybe someone knows why
> this might happen?

This may happen when you use a shared pointer in your toolkit.

Make sure that in your toolkit every instance use it's own pointer to
store the Display in use.

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