[LV2] pugl, libsofd and ui scaling

Stefan Westerfeld stefan at space.twc.de
Wed Feb 21 16:26:19 PST 2018


On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 10:14:24PM +0100, Hanspeter Portner wrote:
> On 21.02.2018 17:25, Stefan Westerfeld wrote:
> > As far as I can see, robtk uses native file dialogs on Windows and macOS (which
> > is good) and libsofd X11. This looks like a sane solution, but I have one issue
> > with this. My whole UI is scalable, so the text size can be made as big as you
> > need, especially on HiDPI displays, you may need large text sizes.
> Does the UI itself discover whether it runs on a HiDPI display or is the user
> exepcted to do manual resizing?
> Just curious, as I've not yet found a 100% robust solution to do exactly that on
> X11.

For now, I'll probably make the default scaling 100% (small), and make a
settings entry which allows changing and saving this value. So the user will
have to setup this manually once. I've seen that Bitwig Studio will
automatically change the scaling if you for instance use something like

xrandr --output DVI-D-0 --scale 0.5x0.5

and restart Bitwig the UI will come up at the "same" size, even though the
resolution has larger pixels. But even then they also provide a UI scaling
setting which I need to use to get nicely readable text on my display.

   Cu... Stefan
Stefan Westerfeld, http://space.twc.de/~stefan

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