[LV2] Usual way for UI to access sample rate

Hermann Meyer brummer- at web.de
Fri Jul 28 01:45:17 PDT 2017

Am 28.07.2017 um 10:27 schrieb Filipe Coelho:

> On 28.07.2017 10:15, Hermann Meyer wrote:
>> Usually all hosts I know do it right.
>> Samplerate is given in init.
> Only for plugins, not the UI.
> Do you know a host which passes the samplerate to the UIs?
> (I do it in Carla, but I think I might be doing it the wrong way...)

Yes, only for plugins, didn't know that carla do it for the UI as well.

>> You could set the value then on a outputport and read it in the UI. 
> Seems like a workaround for something that is rather important.
> We want separation of DSP and UI objects, so the UI needs to know the 
> sample rate.
> Using an output port means waiting for the value, delaying full UI 
> creation.
Yes, a workaround, but the delay in UI creation isn't significant.
It would indeed be nice if the UI get the SampleRate (and as well the 
current buffersize) direct from the host.

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