[LV2] Startup slloowwss dooooowwwwnn???

hermann meyer brummer- at web.de
Wed Oct 29 21:27:17 PDT 2014

Am 30.10.2014 01:33, schrieb David Robillard:
> On 2014-10-28 11:22, hermann meyer wrote:
>> Am 28.10.2014 15:18, schrieb Stefano D'Angelo:
>>>> As I said, this behavior I notice with a updated LV2 core and not
>>>> updated
>>>>> naspro-bridges.
>>>>> With updated naspro-bridges, I receive just a single error message.
>>>>>>> Warning: unknown parameter map_curve for plugin organ
>>>>>>> Warning: unknown parameter perc_timbre for plugin organ
>>>>> But, the slow down on start-up a host application, eg. scan the
>>>> world, is
>>>>> "horrible", even with updated naspro-bridges. And even more notable
>>>> is, the
>>>>> slow down of a single plugin load. That is horrible, updated
>>>> naspro-bridges,
>>>>> or not, with lv2-dev 1.10.0 and libliv-dev 0.20.0, naspro-bridges
>>>> becomes
>>>>> unusable.
>>>>> regards
>>>>> hermann
>>> Mmm, do you happen to have dssi-vst installed?
>>> Stefano
>> Like most audiophile linux users, sure, I've dssi-vst installed (even if
>> I didn't use it, I've installed it, play with it for some tests, and
>> forgot about it, but leave it installed), but, it comes back to mind
>> when I run into this issue.
>> So, I've already removed it, check with and without it, didn't helped
>> ether. All, what helps me, is, remove naspro-bridges.
>> The most annoying behave is, that the single plugin load gets horrible
>> delayed with naspro-bridges installed, that seems to me, be related, to
>> a rescan/read/port/bridge/ of all installed ladspa plugs, at any single
>> plugin load call. May it be, that lilv search for the plug, when it get
>> called, call naspro, if it have them, and then naspro looks if it could
>> find, . . . .however, . . . indeed with dssi-vst this become nearly
>> endless (but, dssi-vst only rescan the path, if you force that,
>> otherwise it stated "uptodate"), but as well without, it's unacceptable.
>> I've installed/remove them several times now, after this report, to test
>> and check if other circumstances be related, sorry to say, but I cant
>> find others.
> Exactly what case are you referring to as "single plugin load" here?
Load a plugin in jalv.gtk,
same behavior when preload a plug in guitarix.

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