[LV2] Startup slloowwss dooooowwwwnn???
hermann meyer
brummer- at web.de
Tue Oct 28 08:22:50 PDT 2014
Am 28.10.2014 15:18, schrieb Stefano D'Angelo:
>> As I said, this behavior I notice with a updated LV2 core and not updated
>> >naspro-bridges.
>> >With updated naspro-bridges, I receive just a single error message.
>> >
>>> >>Warning: unknown parameter map_curve for plugin organ
>>> >>Warning: unknown parameter perc_timbre for plugin organ
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >But, the slow down on start-up a host application, eg. scan the world, is
>> >"horrible", even with updated naspro-bridges. And even more notable is, the
>> >slow down of a single plugin load. That is horrible, updated naspro-bridges,
>> >or not, with lv2-dev 1.10.0 and libliv-dev 0.20.0, naspro-bridges becomes
>> >unusable.
>> >
>> >regards
>> >hermann
> Mmm, do you happen to have dssi-vst installed?
> Stefano
Like most audiophile linux users, sure, I've dssi-vst installed (even if
I didn't use it, I've installed it, play with it for some tests, and
forgot about it, but leave it installed), but, it comes back to mind
when I run into this issue.
So, I've already removed it, check with and without it, didn't helped
ether. All, what helps me, is, remove naspro-bridges.
The most annoying behave is, that the single plugin load gets horrible
delayed with naspro-bridges installed, that seems to me, be related, to
a rescan/read/port/bridge/ of all installed ladspa plugs, at any single
plugin load call. May it be, that lilv search for the plug, when it get
called, call naspro, if it have them, and then naspro looks if it could
find, . . . .however, . . . indeed with dssi-vst this become nearly
endless (but, dssi-vst only rescan the path, if you force that,
otherwise it stated "uptodate"), but as well without, it's unacceptable.
I've installed/remove them several times now, after this report, to test
and check if other circumstances be related, sorry to say, but I cant
find others.
Maybe you need to add a uptodate state flag for naspro, to avoid at
least that.
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