[LV2] OT: 32-bit Build on OSX

Albert Graef aggraef at gmail.com
Thu Nov 27 01:46:45 PST 2014

Somewhat OT, but I thought that I should mentioned that I have ports of lv2
and lilv (plus its dependencies, i.e., serd, sort et al) in MacPorts. I
originally submitted these as they are required for the Pure LV2 and Lilv
modules (also in MacPorts).

So for those of you who have MacPorts installed already, you can install
the ports with 'sudo port imstall lv2 lilv'. Also, in MacPorts you just
specify the +universal variant to get fat binaries. (I think these are only
x86 and x86_64, though. Is anyone still using PPC Macs these days?)

On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 4:13 AM, David Robillard <d at drobilla.net> wrote:

> On 2014-11-26 21:45, Michael R. Fisher wrote:
> >
> > For what it's worth, new versions of Xcode do not have the AU template
> anymore.
> >
> > As for a proper framework, the compiled library is the exact format as a
> normal dylib.  Binaries are more or less packaged in a *.framework bundle,
> similar to a Mac App bundle.
> Yeah, not rocket science, just needs to be built into the correct
> directory structure (+ manifest).
> > What would be included in such a thing though? Suil/lilv + dependencies?
> I suppose soon these will be included with lv2 itself.
> Yes, I plan to put these (less serd and sord) into LV2 proper.  Still as
> individual libraries, but with an lv2-host-stack.pc or something like
> that to easily pull them all in and simply depend on LV2 x.y.z
> The framework would be analogous to that meta-pkgconfig file, I suppose,
> since I doubt anyone interested in such a thing would be interested in
> individual frameworks (or perhaps they naturally nest anyway, no idea)
> --
> dr
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Dr. Albert Gr"af
Computer Music Research Group, JGU Mainz, Germany
Email:  aggraef at gmail.com
WWW:    https://plus.google.com/+AlbertGraef
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