[LV2] OT: 32-bit Build on OSX

Michael R. Fisher mfisher31 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 26 18:45:08 PST 2014

For what it's worth, new versions of Xcode do not have the AU template anymore.

As for a proper framework, the compiled library is the exact format as a normal dylib.  Binaries are more or less packaged in a *.framework bundle, similar to a Mac App bundle. 

What would be included in such a thing though? Suil/lilv + dependencies? I suppose soon these will be included with lv2 itself. 

Compiling frameworks with waf is fairly simple. Somewhere stored away I have a waf took that assists with this. 

> On Nov 26, 2014, at 5:19 PM, David Robillard <d at drobilla.net> wrote:
>> On 2014-11-26 17:03, Robin Gareus wrote:
>>> On 11/26/2014 10:39 PM, David Robillard wrote:
>>> What exactly would a "properly maintained abstraction for OSX builds" do?
>> For host authors: nothing. Current waf is sufficient.
>> For plugin authors: It'd be a xcode component.
>> However, the hard part there is to export it in a way that allows
>> x-platform builds and x-compilation. Still, the project could be laid
>> out in a way that will allow using other build-systems with the same
>> code for that purpose.
> Well, we'll see how hard that is at some point, I suppose.  Doing it
> without x-platform would be a good first step anyway.
> It might be easier to just not use waf in that case, or use waf to build
> the 'project' (some people do this for MSVC, not sure about xcode but
> waf can do that sort of thing in general at least)
>>> Building a proper framework is the only thing I can think of that would
>>> make LV2 more comfortable to use for native OSX types, but I don't know
>>> much about that.
>> this getting a bit OT now but for what it's worth:
>> A few weeks ago, I opened Xcode. it came up with a "new Project dialog".
>> Select "AU plugin component" from the list, press OK.
>> (there are two options to choose: "AU plugin component" and "AU plugin
>> with Cocoa UI")
>> That created an example project that compiles with one click and has
>> commented source where to put actual code.
>> While I personally found all this point and grunt rather preposterous,
>> it's probably what the average OSX-type developer wants.
> Getting the click and drool part can't be that hard once you have the
> suitable template/skeleton.  Specifying port signatures and required
> features makes it slightly more tricky, though, since you'd actually
> have to generate that stuff (and/or use a currently non-existent dynamic
> way to do so)
> -- 
> dr
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