[LV2] Killing the event extension

Bent Bisballe Nyeng deva at aasimon.org
Fri Mar 7 00:02:15 PST 2014

On 02/01/14 20:51, Robin Gareus wrote:
> On 02/01/2014 07:11 PM, Bent Bisballe Nyeng wrote:
>> Would it make sense to write a utility function for reading midi
>> notes as well, or is this task simple enough as it is already?
> It's easy enough. basically just
> -=-
>    my_process_midi( (uint8_t*)(ev+1), ev->body.size, ev->time.frames);
> }
> ..and your function to parse the raw midi-data:
> void my_process_midi(
>    const uint8_t* raw_midi_data,
>    const uint32_t len,
>    const int64_t time);
> (time is in audio-samples relative to current cycle start)
> -=-

We have now ported DrumGizmo (currently git only but will be released 
with 0.9.5) to Atom and it seems to work.

Thank you for your help with tips on the porting.

We decided not to use the FOREACH macro since we the functionality it 
provides is simple enough as it is already, and magical macros seem to 
make the code harder to read.

Kind regards
Bent Bisballe Nyeng

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