[LV2] Ardour doesn't find lv2
rosea.grammostola at gmail.com
Tue Dec 11 00:56:11 PST 2012
On 12/11/2012 04:42 AM, David Robillard wrote:
> On Mon, 2012-12-10 at 23:02 +0100, rosea.grammostola wrote:
> [...]
>> PATH is not set
> LV2_PATH and PATH are very different things.
> Something quite bizarre must be happening if somehow lv2ls finds nothing
> but apps using the same lilv do. Are you sure there are actually
> plugins in the default lilv path? For example, on some more braindead
> distros (e.g. Fedora), /usr/lib is *not* the native library path.
> Packaged plugins for these distros and the lilv default are probably not
> the same path.
> strace lv2ls 2> lv2ls.strace.txt
> Attach in reply (or send me privately if the list doesn't like that, but
> it's only a few hundred K of text so I think it will be fine)
> -dr
$ ls /usr/lib/lv2/
alias-swh.lv2 matrix_ms_st-swh.lv2
allpass-swh.lv2 matrix_spatialiser-swh.lv2
am_pitchshift-swh.lv2 matrix_st_ms-swh.lv2
amp-swh.lv2 mbc2b.lv2
analogue_osc-swh.lv2 mbeq-swh.lv2
atom.lv2 mda.lv2
bandpass_a_iir-swh.lv2 midi.lv2
bandpass_iir-swh.lv2 mkii-graph-eq1.lv2
blop.lv2 mkii-graph-eq2.lv2
bode_shifter_cv-swh.lv2 mod_delay-swh.lv2
bode_shifter-swh.lv2 morph.lv2
b_overdrive multivoice_chorus-swh.lv2
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