[LV2] LV2 and Pugl

Sven Jaehnichen sjaehn at jahnichen.de
Thu Sep 30 05:22:54 PDT 2021

Hi Mario,

natives like X11. And don't forget the idle_interface extension - as I 
did in the beginning ;-).

Pugl is used by an increasing number of developers. Including me. It 
might be worth to look into the code of the plugins made with pugl. I 
made a very simple amplifier example called B.Amp: 
https://github.com/sjaehn/BAmp .

And I'm producing an LV2 from the scratch tutorial. I'll also introduce 
into GUIs in there, but later. I will start to upload the first 
pre-produced videos by the end of this week. In the meantime you can 
take this teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51eHCA4oCEI .


Am 30.09.21 um 12:09 schrieb Mário Luzeiro:
> Hello all,
> Are there any examples on how to use Pugl in the LV2?
> I'm confused as LV2 UI options (GTK, QT, Natives..), which ones should I use with Pugl? I'm guessing I should use the natives with wich individual building.
> Any other concern on using Pulgl with LV2?
> Mario Luzeiro
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