[LV2] [LAD] Feature request: icons

Alexandros Theodotou alex at zrythm.org
Mon Mar 15 13:54:16 PDT 2021

> And don't forget. It only makes sense if the hosts will provide this 
> feature. Host developers, what do you think about it?

I think having icons for plugins is a great idea and I would definitely
add this feature to Zrythm. They can not only be used in plugin lists
to make finding the plugins easier, but also as the icons for plugin

Re: icon sizes I think having something loosely based on the
freedesktop icon theme standard would be good.
E.g., 16x16/logo.png 32x32/logo.png scalable/logo.svg somewhere in the
plugin bundle and let the host decide what to use.

Regarding the RDF semantics of this though (like where the icon path
should be in a bundle and how to specify it, or if it would be some
hardcoded path) I'm not sure what would be best.


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