[LV2] [PATCH - Signal Data change 1/1] lv2core: Add feature to indicate that host signals data change
David Robillard
d at drobilla.net
Thu Apr 12 12:55:05 PDT 2018
On Thu, 2018-04-12 at 08:42 +0200, twischer at de.adit-jv.com wrote:
> +""" .
> +
> +be called when ever a
... ?
Anyway, I'm not sure about this. connect_port is already a pretty
stupid unnecessarily-expensive mechanism that should probably die
outright, and globally speaking, here we're trading float comparison
for an indirect function call. That's probably a win for a huge number
of control ports, but it seems like a pretty onerous requirement to
expect from hosts in general. Lots of hosts simply call connect_port
unconditionally every period for some things because doing otherwise is
a pain.
connect_port adds a bunch of statefulness to the API that both sides
need to deal with and doesn't need to be there at all. Easily the
worst thing in LADSPA that I really wish we hadn't inherited...
That said, this idea is clear enough, and simply a feature description,
so I'm not opposed to adding it.
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