[LV2] inline plugin displays (Robin Gareus)

Robin Gareus robin at gareus.org
Wed Mar 16 16:51:59 PDT 2016

On 03/17/2016 12:42 AM, Robin Gareus wrote:
> This is an entirely different project IMHO. Frankly I don't see a valid
> use-case for having *custom 3rd party controls* directly on a Mixer strip.

To clarify this: If the host provides inline-controls: they all operate
the same way. One can learn how to use them.

If there a custom inline widgets: one knob may jump when clicked,
another one may be a smooth slider.  One may responds to double click to
reset to default another one on right click, yet another one lack that

This will result in an unusable mess if they're inlined on a mixer-strip.

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