[LV2] inline plugin displays

Rui Nuno Capela rncbc at rncbc.org
Wed Mar 16 11:47:50 PDT 2016

hi, this is great i must tell

thinking forward...

i won't digress here! stay calm :) that said what in the world will stop 
someone (or in a commission) to get a lv2gui standard class interface up 

before that ever comes (we cannot say we didn't see it coming anymore, 
do we?) what about getting it carved as foundation, before yet another 
genius fool/nerd goes south?

eg. i'm sure you all know that a cairo-inspired raster-graphics api is 
going into ISO C++ stdlib any day soon, if ain't already

so it seems perfect time to get this all started from the ground up now. 
look! ARGB32 is (or will be one of some) std c++ supported raster 
formats, so a platform-independent lv2ui toolkit, i'd say, might be the 
next-big-thing, especially in regard to the lv2host/lv2ui/lv2plugin 
triangular business

or so i thought

back to lurk-mode now;)
rncbc aka. Rui Nuno Capela

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