[LV2] proposed Feature : noSampleAccurateControls

Robin Gareus robin at gareus.org
Sun Dec 6 12:14:59 PST 2015

Hi all,

I'd like to propose a new http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core/#optionalFeature
called "noSampleAccurateControls"


noSampleAccurateControls signifies that a plugin favors regular
block-sizes over sample-accurate control data.

The host should preferably call the plugin with the same blocksize

Note that this does not guarantee a fixed block-size.
The process cycle may be split for other reasons (e.g. looping), and the
blocksize itself may change anytime.

Some plugin-hosts (e.g Ardour, Carla) split the plugin's run() on
automation events in order to pass control-port changes with sample

e.g jack-period: 64. event at sample 37 results in
   run(37); change_port_values(); run(27);

This is not always desirable, for example:
  a convolution plugin with internally smoothed gain control
will prefer to be called with the convolution kernel size.

thoughts and comments are welcome,


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