[LV2] [solved]State example?

hermann meyer brummer- at web.de
Sat Mar 16 12:30:26 PDT 2013

Am 16.03.2013 20:15, schrieb David Robillard:
> On Sat, 2013-03-16 at 19:41 +0100, hermann meyer wrote:
> [...]
>> So, after I have #included "lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets/presets.h"
>> in my plug header, presets are saved by ardour3 as suspected.
> Er... there is absolutely no possible way this could affect that
> behaviour whatsoever.  That header only contains a few convenience
> #defines for URI strings.
> -dr
Well, I comes to the same conclusion, but I have nothing others changed, 
then include it into the plug header and include it to my ttl file. Now 
preset saving in ardour works.

For the record, ardour didn't save presets in bundles, it use a single 
mainfest.ttl file for all presets from all plugs. It just save then the 
presetname.ttl file in ./lv2/presets

Attached is a saved preset from jalv with the missing rdf:label

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