[LV2] LV2 event ports running out of space

Jeremy Salwen jeremysalwen at gmail.com
Sun Sep 2 01:37:57 PDT 2012

On Sat, Sep 1, 2012 at 4:58 PM, David Robillard <d at drobilla.net> wrote:

> On Thu, 2012-08-30 at 18:07 -0400, Jeremy Salwen wrote:
> > Thinking about it more, it seems to be something that needs an
> > extension.  A plugin should be able to stop processing partway through
> > a chunk and say "Hey, I ran out of space for events, here's how many
> > frames I finished".  Ideally it would just be the return value of the
> > run function (think of an fwrite like interface), but obviously we
> > can't make an incompatible change like that.  Probably just a tagged
> > port like the way latency reporting works.  It can be an optional
> > feature, and if a host doesn't support it, it just loses events, but
> > it still works.  What do you think?
> Something like http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port/ ? :P
> Implementing this dynamically can be very difficult, though.  I think
> more widespread support for the static properties needs to happen, but I
> don't know if dynamic resize is a realistic expectation...
> -dr
I don't think resizing port buffers is the answer.  If you're resizing port
buffers, then A. you basically have to implement a realtime safe malloc in
the host. B. You still don't know how big your memory pool has to be.

And having the plugin statically specify the buffer size is useful but only
solves some cases.  What if the plugin has no idea how big the buffer needs
to be, as it depends entirely on the inputs?

I think the real solution is that the run method should be allowed to
terminate early if it runs out of room in a buffer.

For example suppose you have a program which is running a chain

Memory buffer=>Plugin 1=>Plugin 2=> Jack callback

Let's suppose Jack wants 1024 frames of audio.  You call Plugin1.run(1024),
but the buffer you are using for events between Plugin1 and Plugin2 isn't
big enough for any of the events past 512 frames.  Rather than try to
increase the size of this buffer in realtime, you simply have Plugin1.run()
stop after 512 frames and return 512.  Now, instead of calling
Plugin2.run(1024), you call Plugin2.run(512).  Plugin2 doesn't run out of
space, so it returns 512.  You get 512 frames of audio output, and write it
to the buffer.  Then, seeing as you still are missing the last 512 frames,
you go back and call Plugin1.run(512), and (assuming it doesn't run out of
space again) Plugin2.run(512).

Essentially, you free up the buffer again by pushing its contents to the
end of the chain.  In this way, you don't need to worry about buffer
explosion. Each plugin is responsible for statically specifying a minimum
buffer size so that it can pass a reasonable number of events through each
run, and if an *unreasonable *number of events come along, the buffers stay
the same size, the data is just processed in smaller chunk sizes.  The only
buffers you *do* have to worry about the size of is the endpoints, if
you're going to store the output events in a buffer or something, but
that's inevitable.  Plus, one large buffer at the end is not nearly as bad
as a whole *series* of large buffers at every step of the way.

Resizing has it backwards:  It's like you have a certain amount of cheese
and and chips at your house, and you ask your friend to make nachos.  He
asks you "how much" and you say "use up all of the chips", even though you
don't know the ratio of chips to cheese he is going to use.  When he asks
you to go to the store to buy him more cheese,  you shouldn't comply.
Instead, you should tell him to stop when he runs out of cheese.  My
solution is like saying "keep making nachos until you run out of chips
*or*cheese, whichever comes first".

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