[LV2] Ardour doesn't find lv2

Harry van Haaren harryhaaren at gmail.com
Mon Dec 10 03:18:54 PST 2012

try lv2ls and lv2info:
lv2ls should list all the plugins on the system
lv2info should provide all the details of a single plugin given its URI.

Also try using Jalv to load the plugins. If they all work, then the issue
isn't in the plugin installation, but somewhere else...

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 9:57 AM, rosea.grammostola <
rosea.grammostola at gmail.com> wrote:

> Ardour 2 and 3 doesn't find LV2 plugins. I've latest lv2 svn and the
> drobillad repo installed. Hosts such as Carla and lv2rack does find the LV2
> plugins, which are in the default folder in my Debian install.
> lv2ls doesn't find anything.
> Configuration of A3 looks good, Paul didn't know what was wrong.
> I guess I accidentally removed a folder/file or have some stuff in both
> /usr or /usr/local
> Maybe you've some commands for me to analyze what's wrong here?
> Best regards,
> \r
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