[Devel] port-props extension (rescued "extended port information" extension)

David Robillard d at drobilla.net
Thu Nov 3 16:36:48 PDT 2011

On Thu, 2011-11-03 at 00:11 +0200, Stefano D'Angelo wrote:
> 2011/11/2 David Robillard <d at drobilla.net>:
> > I rescued the "extended port information" extension from the old wiki
> > dump.  It was a quasi-turtle document (bad syntax) that seemed extremely
> > stale but useful, so I figured it'd be good to clean it up and keep it
> > maintained with the others.
> And while we're talking about this... I want to propose a few more
> things that could be added:
> * pprops:absoluteValue predicate: when you use lv2:sampleRate you have
> no way to specify absolute values. E.g., a sine wave oscillator might
> have [ lv2:portProperty lv2:sampleRate ; lv2:minimum 0.0 ; lv2:maximum
> 0.5 ; lv2:default [ pprops:absoluteValue 440.0 ] ] ; - I understand
> this has type-related implications in RDF, so if you have better
> ideas...

I don't understand the purpose of this one.

> * pprops:mute property - applied to at most one toggled control input
> port to indicate a "don't produce output" parameter
> * pprops:bypass property - as pprops:mute, but for bypass (audio
> output = audio input)

Seems reasonable.

> * pprops:dryWetBalance property - applied to one (or more?) control
> input port(s) to specify that is a dry/wet balance port (range 0 to
> 100 in %)... to make it generic we maybe need some kind of
> this-audio-input-correpsonds-to-this-audio-output rdf thing (e.g.,
> multi-channel mixer)?

Seems reasonable.  We do, it's in port-groups

> * pprops:enableSmoothing - this is a very tricky one, it would be like
> the mute/bypass properties and would indicate whether some smoothing
> is applied to input parameters to avoid artifacts - maybe conflicts
> with pprops:causesArtifacts?

Not sure about this one...


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